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Pass Type - Rules

All rules while creating a pass/excuse type

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over 3 months ago

🧭 Navigate to the Admin Console > Passes/Excuse > Select a Pass/New Pass > RULES

There are 3 main heads under the RULES tab of a pass type, we will learn about each of them in this support article :
Set automations to streamline this Pass

    • Automatic activate at start time

    • Automatically end the pass when the location changes or another pass is activated.

    • Automatic end pass at end time

    • Allow recurring passes

    • Send reminder when pass is about to end

    • Send reminder when pass is about to start

    • Send reminder when pass is late

    • Start time rules

    • End time rules (End time disabled)

    • Limit amount of Passes

    • Pass activation rules

    • End date must be the same as start date

    • Ignore this Pass from class schedules


  • Automatic activate at start time
    ​ON - will activate the pass automatically at the scheduled start time.
    ​OFF - will not activate the pass automatically

    Default Status - OFF

  • Automatically end the pass when the location changes or another pass is activated
    ​ON - will end an active pass when the location is changed or when another pass is activated by the student or by any staff member.
    ​OFF - pass won't end when a location is changed + will allow multiple active passes
    Default Status - ON

  • Automatic end pass at end time
    ​ON - an active pass will automatically end on schedule end time
    Option 1 - Student check-in to ________ when pass ends
    -allow to select a default location when the pass ends automatically
    Option 2 - Do not check student into a new location when pass ends.
    -no location is required when the pass ends automatically
    ​OFF - will not end the pass automatically
    Default Status - OFF

  • Allow recurring passes
    ​ON - start and end time should be checked as required on the Form Builder option, once enabled will show the recurring option while applying a pass.
    ​OFF - will not show the recurring option while applying for a pass.
    Default Status - OFF


  • Send reminder when the pass is about to end
    - allows to send reminders via email or push notification to students and parents before the pass end time in minute/hour/day/week
    - any number of reminders can be set

  • Send reminder when pass is about to start
    - allows to send reminders via email or push notification to students and parents before the pass start time in minute/hour/day/week
    - any number of reminders can be set

  • Send reminder when pass is late
    - allows to send reminders via email or push notification to students and parents when the student is late the is after the pass end time in minute/hour/day
    - any number of reminders can be set


  • Start time rules
    - allows to set start time rules when the pass is being applied
    - if the rule is enabled then a pass can only be scheduled/activated if the start time is set to adhere to the set rule
    -Can only start rules can be applied for After, At, Before, Between time
    -Repeat rule is Everyday or Set days
    -Applies to All Roles or combinations of Students, Staff, Parents, Kiosk/Checkpoint (iOS App), Public App Link

    -Hard Rule - to make the above rules optional or mandatory

    • Option 1 - Users cannot bypass this rule

    • Option 2 - Users can bypass this rule but they will be alerted


  • End time rules
    - allows to set end time rules when the pass is being applied
    - if the rule is enabled then a pass can only be scheduled/activated if the end time is set to adhere to the set rule
    -Can only start rules can be applied for After, At, Before, Between time
    -Repeat rule is Everyday or Set days
    -Applies to All Roles or combinations of Students, Staff, Parents, Kiosk/Checkpoint (iOS App), Public App Link

    -Hard Rule - to make the above rules optional or mandatory

    • Option 1 - Users cannot bypass this rule

    • Option 2 - Users can bypass this rule but they will be alerted

  • Limit amount of Passes
    - limits the number of pass a student can have for Day/Week/Month for All Students or based on tags or houses
    - default when enabled is Limited to 1 Pass daily for all students

  • Pass activation rules
    - requires start time as mandatory on Form Builder tab + Students or kiosk/checkpoint can activate scheduled passes on Workflow tab
    - when enabled this option will force Students to only activate scheduled passes within set hours before the start time

  • End date must be the same as start date
    - required end time as mandatory on Form Builder tab
    - when enabled this option will force the person creating a pass to keep the start and end date same

  • Ignore this Pass from class schedules
    - when enabled, the pass will not excuse the student from the roll checks taken on Orah

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