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Class Attendance roll types
Kurt Meyer avatar
Written by Kurt Meyer
Updated over a month ago

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What are Class Attendance roll types?

Class Attendance roll types are specifically designed for taking attendance based on the school timetable. For example, classes, athletic groups, and advisory meetings.

Class Attendance roll types have the following special behaviours:

  • Class Attendance roll types can only be used from the My Schedule page as they are designed specifically for marking roll off a timetable

  • Class Attendance roll types have the ability to lock certain roll codes so only staff with access to roll settings can use them

  • An active pass must be ended before marking a student as present

  • There is an option to allow staff to end passes during a roll check

The My Schedule page will display the a staff member's timetable based on an integration with the SIS. We recommend that only Class Attendance roll types are used for taking attendance based on timetables.

Creating a Class Attendance roll type

A Class Attendance roll type can be created by going to Roll Settings > New Roll Type.

Class Attendance roll types also have less options than Daily and Automatic roll types because student and staff assignments are set by the SIS integration.

Linking Class Attendance roll types with your school timetable

Note: Class Attendance roll types need to be linked within the integration settings before they are used on the My Schedule page.

See this article for more information on how to sync class attendance records with Blackbaud SIS.

Locking roll codes

Class Attendance roll types have the ability to lock roll codes. This means that only staff members with access to roll settings permission will be able to assign these roll codes to students when marking a roll or editing roll records. For example, Teachers may only be able to assign the basic roll codes such as present, absent, late whereas Attendance Managers may edit the records later and assign more detailed roll codes such as medical leave, explained absence, etc. Roll Code names are customisable so you can use the terminology that works for your school.

End pass permission during class attendance

Class Attendance roll types also have a special permission for allowing staff members to end a pass during the roll. For example if a student has an excused absence but shows up to class, the teacher can end the pass and mark the student as present. However, if the roll does not allow staff to end passes during the roll, the Teacher will not be able to end the pass but can instead leave a note for the Attendance Manager to rectify later.

Note: When a student has a pass during class attendance they will be recorded as 'On Pass - Excused'. A pass must be ended before changing the roll code of a student.

Example of Roll Type that allows passes to be ended during a roll check:

Example of Roll Type that does not allow passes to be ended during a roll check:

View Scheduled Passes while taking Roll Call

Teachers need to know when students are scheduled to leave class for pre-approved appointments. To support this, Passes scheduled to begin during a lesson will be visible to teachers while taking roll call.

This feature is available on the Staff Web App, Browser Extension, and iOS App.

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