Orah's integration with Magnus Health allows staff to view student allergies and emergency contacts directly in the student profile of Orah.
Connecting Magnus
Magnus Health Integration Credentials
Within Magnus Health, navigate to Admin Dashboard > API Integration Settings and obtain:
Client ID
Client Encryption Key
Registration Code
Orah Integration Set Up
Within Orah, navigate to Admin Console > Data Integrations and select Add Health Integration, you do not need an active Orah SIS Integration to enable Magnus Health Integration. Copy the parameters above into the appropriate fields.
Note: Magnus Health must be already configured with SIS, a standalone Magnus Health cannot integrate with Orah.
Vendor Key Source
Before Magnus Health information will appear on the student profile, each Orah student must have their Magnus Health 'vendor key' imported into Orah. There are two options:
SIS Sourced: If Orah is already connected to a compatible SIS (currently Senior Systems & Veracross are supported) then this can become the source of the Magnus Health vendor key and no further setup is required.
Note: Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if your SIS also integrates with Magnus Health and think this option should be available.Manually imported: The Magnus Health Vendor Key can be imported using the CSV import functionality in Orah, see the next section.
Importing Vendor Keys via a CSV import
Export Vendor Keys: Within Magnus Health, navigate to Admin Dashboard > Reports > VHR Reports, choose to Create CSV next to Student Information Report and download the resulting CSV (Tip: click the small question mark to show the download option)
Export Orah Students: click here to see how you can export students from your account
Merge the two CSVs: pull over the vendor keys into your Orah export/CSV spreadsheet. Please be aware that mixing up vendor keys will mix up critical medical data.
Import into Orah: Update your database by following the instructions here. Please ensure you assign the 'Magnus Vendor Key' field to the column containing the vendor key.
Once this has been completed, navigate to a student profile to confirm that Magnus Health is connected successfully.
If you have any questions after reading through, click the blue chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of this page. This will start a conversation with one of Orah's Team.