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Integrating with Orah's Open API

Giving you the ability to integrate more deeply with Orah

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a year ago

Our open API allows you or your IT team to develop a connection between Orah and your selected endpoint. This will allow information to either sync into Orah, write back to your endpoint, or both.

Full documentation on the API is accessed from within the Orah app.

This page provides an overview of the Open API capabilities.

Access & Authentication

In order to access API functions and documentation, users must have an Orah user account with administrator privileges.

  • Access to documentation and configuration such as access keys, is via the Orah Admin Console. If the “Open API” menu option is not accessible, contact the customer success team to discuss getting access

  • Access keys are generated via the Admin Console - multiple access keys can be generated and can be limited to specific IP addresses

  • Extensive documentation for API endpoints including sample requests and responses are available

Functional overview

The below is a summary of key API functions to give you a general understanding of API capabilities. For specific questions, it is recommended you access the Open API documentation via the Orah Admin Console.

Key API functions

  • Houses: read, create, update and delete houses

  • Students: read, create, update and delete students

  • Student Locations: update

  • Contacts: read, create, update and delete contacts

  • Location records: read only

  • Locations: read only

  • Pastoral Records: read only

  • Roll: read only

Please remember the Open API does require an account expansion, so please hit the blue chat bubble to connect with your CSM if you do not see it available in your Orah version.

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