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Managing the Student Database

Edit student information, add additional profile fields, and more

Nicholas Hillier avatar
Written by Nicholas Hillier
Updated over a week ago

From the Admin Console, navigate to the "Students" section to access the Student Database.

Creating Additional Custom Profile Fields

Schools can easily build out custom fields which will be displayed within the student profile. A few examples of commonly added fields include:

  • Permissions

  • Additional medical notes

  • License numbers

  • Visa details

  • Approved drivers

  • Class information

  • Communication accounts

On the Student Database page, click on the 'i' icon at the top right.

Click on the "Add New Category" icon.

Add the name of your category and click 'Create'.

Now that you've created the new category, next to the category name, click on 'Add New Field'.

Select your field type, name your field, and then click "Create".

This category and field will now be visible in the Student Database and will also appear on the right-hand side of the student profiles. Data for these fields can either be entered manually through the Student Database, manually through the student's profile, or via a CSV upload.

Editing an Individual Student's Details

Find or search for the student that you wish to edit, click on the three dots to the far right of their name, and select 'Edit'.

A pop-up will appear with that student's information, including any additional information fields you have added. Edit the information within the pop-up and make sure to scroll to the bottom to save.

Inviting Students to Create an Orah Account

In the Student Database, click on the names of the students you would like to invite, or select all students by clicking the 0 box at the top left of the page.

Next, click on the envelope icon at the top of the list.

You will be prompted with a 'Invite Students' pop-up to confirm the students you wish to invite. Once confirmed, click 'Invite Students'.

Note: The system will detect if there are pending invites, and send reminders and skip over any student who is already connected. If you have setup Single Sign On, change the dropdown shown in the above image to the authentication profile you have created and then select invite.

Students will receive an automated email from Orah prompting them to create a password (or log in through the SSO process) and activate their connected Orah account. Once the account is activated, their "Status" in the Student Database will show as 'Connected'.

Setting Students' Default Location

A student's Default Location is considered their "base" location in the Orah system. Default locations will be used to tailor check-in options for each student. Common default locations are "On Campus" or a student's assigned house/dormitory.

Select the students you wish to update (can be done individually or en masse) and click set default zone icon.

Select the default location from the pop-up menu and click 'Save'.

Once this is set, a default location will be set for your students when they are updating their location or ending a pass.

Deactivating a Student

When a student graduates or otherwise is not returning to school, they can be deactivated from the Student Database. This is preferable to deleting students because the records made to the student's profile will not be lost.

Find the student(s) you wish to deactivate, select them, and click on the deactivate icon.

A confirmation pop-up will appear. The number of students selected is in brackets. Click the deactivate student button to confirm.

Viewing or Reactivating Deactivated Students

To view your deactivated students, click the 'Deactivated' tab at the top of the Student Database.

If you wish to reactivate any deactivated students if they return to campus after an extended leave or to review their records, select their names and then click the reactivate icon.

If you have any questions after reading through, click the blue chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of this page. This will start a conversation with one of Orah's Team.

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