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Student Profiles

View student information when you need it

Nicholas Hillier avatar
Written by Nicholas Hillier
Updated over a week ago

Navigating to a Student Profile

Web App

Click or hover on the student's name and then select 'view profile' from the menu that appears. This will take you to the profile.

iOS App

Press and hold on the student's name and/or bar, which will reveal a pop-up menu.

In that menu, click the student's name, which will take you to their student profile.

Exploring the Student Profile

When you first click into a student's profile you'll immediately see their photo, email address, and phone number. Below you'll see if they have any pass requests, schedules passes, pastoral watchlist items, or if they are currently gated.

To the right-hand side, you'll be able to view the student details, such as House/Dorm assignment, group assignments, attached files, and core information (generally imported from the Student Information System) such as class year, student ID number, and boarding status.

In the profile you can also select between four tabs to view additional information saved in the Orah system. Above, you'll see 'Location' highlighted. So, what is showing on that student's profile are all the locations that they have checked into via the Orah system. Above the location records, there is a Contact Tracing toggle. Turn it on to view the names of other students who were in that location at the same time. For more information on the Contact Tracing features, click here.

The 'Contacts' section will display student contacts, such as parents and guardians, as listed in the Orah database. You can easily view their contact information and, if on mobile, click the phone icon or email icon to message them directly from your phone (not through the Orah app). If you're on a desktop, you can use the email button to contact them via email.

Exporting Records from a Student Profile

Access a student profile on the web app from the Homeboard.
Select the 'Records' tab. You can use the filter to narrow to records regarding passes, pastoral notes, roll checks, gatings, or forms.

Select the record type you would like to export and set the date range then click 'Export' to download the records to a CSV.

Now Active Passes will also be visible on the student profile with an Active Tag

Note: All records are exported in descending date order.

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