With the new Synergetic integration, Orah can provide an in-depth integration that will help ensure your data is consistent and accurate across the board.
What data can you sync?
Orah is capable of syncing a range of school information from Synergetic. See below for the information that can be integrated.
One-way (read-only) sync from Synergetic
Student information
Student contacts information
Houses (dorms) & student assignments
Groups (academics & non academics) & staff to student mappings
Staff information
Attendance history
Enabling in Synergetic
Synergetic API Overview
Orah's most recent Synergetic integration uses the Synergetic (RESTful) API.
Setting up the Orah integration in Synergetic
Follow the getting started instructions at https://developer.synergetic.net.au
In SynWeb, go to System > Interface Settings and select +.
Enter the Client Name (Orah Sync), make sure the client is enabled and then select Create.
Select Continue. The new client is created and a GUID and Shared Secret is generated.
On the new client, select > (next to the Client is Enabled switch) to access and define permissions and add permissions to Services/Types.
This allows you to control in detail which data and actions the users with access permissions will be able to perform. For security reasons, we recommend you give as few permissions as possible. The required permissions for Orah are as below.
Copy the GUID and the Shared Secret and keep these securely for loading into Orah
Orah required API permissions
Service | Method | Endpoint |
Address | GET | /apiportal/v1/community/{id}/address |
Attendance | GET | /apiportal/v1/studentattendance/student/{id} |
Attendance | GET | /apiportal/v1/studentattendance/student/{id}/attendance/{attendanceseq} |
Community | GET | /apiportal/v1/community |
FileSemesters | GET | /apiportal/v1/FileSemester |
LookupTables | GET | /apiportal/v1/lookuptables/{entityname} |
Staff | GET | /apiportal/v1/staff |
Staff | GET | /apiportal/v1/Staff/Class/{subjectClassesSeq} |
StudentContact | GET | /apiportal/v1/studentcontact |
StudentContact | GET | /apiportal/v1/StudentContact/{id} |
Student | GET | /apiportal/v1/student |
Student | GET | /apiportal/v1/student/{studentid} |
Student | GET | /apiportal/v1/Student/Campus/{campus} |
Student | GET | /apiportal/v1/Student/Class/{subjectClassesSeq} |
Student | GET | /apiportal/v1/Student/{id}/class |
Timetable | GET | /apiportal/v1/Timetable/{timetableSeq} |
Timetable | GET | /apiportal/v1/Timetable/Staff/{staffID} |
Timetable | GET | /apiportal/v1/Timetable |
TimetableDefinition | GET | /apiportal/v1/TimetableDefinition |
TimetableDefinition | GET | /apiportal/v1/TimetableDefinition/{timetableDefinitionSeq} |
Configuring in Orah
As an admin user, navigate to App Directory -> Integrations and select the 'Synergetic' integration:
Click the 'Connect to Orah' to configure the integration as follows:
The settings / fields are as follows:Client ID: this is the Client ID as configured in Synergetic for this API application
Client secret: this is the 'shared secret' as configured in Synergetic for this API application
School route: this is the web accessible URL that is used by Orah to reach the Synergetic API. It may be similar to: https://myschooldomain.com/CoreAPI
How it works
By enabling this integration, your Synergetic API credentials will be authenticated and saved to our Orah database. An initial sync will take place to import all students from your Synergetic database and merge any existing students in the Orah database.
Managing your data
Syncing your data
You can set the automatic sync to occur once every 24 hours (generally overnight) or alternatively, you can perform a manual sync with a single click which will sync your student information instantly.
Student Syncing
Filter options
You can define what students are imported into Orah based on two filter options.
Student type
This can be set to day students, boarders or both. Not using this filter option will mean all students will be imported.
Grade levels
This can be set to any grade or year level defined in your Synergetic instance.
Supported fields & mapping options
All the fields and mapping options available can be viewed and configured (if possible) from the integration settings page. For example, the Student sync object details all supported fields in the 'field mapping' panel.
Existing students
If you already have students in your Orah account, we do our best to automatically link existing students via individual matching references from within Orah and Synergetic. If we are unable to match your students, you will find these students are listed on the debugger page where you can search and match these students.
Deleting students
As Synergetic will manage your core information, you will need to mark a student as inactive in Synergetic in order to remove them from your Orah account. We offer the option of deleting students, which will permanently remove all records associated with this student, or a deactivate option which will archive their records. The deactivate option is applied by default.