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Multi-School Login on Orah

Orah now supports Staff and Students to log in to multiple Orah accounts with single credentials.

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a year ago

Here's your guide to using Multi-School Login on Orah.

Who can access the Multi-School Login?

Educational Institutions that have more than one school and want their Staff and Students to use the same Orah credentials to switch between their Orah School accounts can use the Multi-School Login on Orah.

Below are some key use cases that will leverage the features of the multi-school login functionality:

  • As a School, you want to create a second School. For example - existing staff and students from the current School can be added, but you can also add other students and staff that are not in the first School.

  • As an Administrator, you want to not only be able to invite users to access your School but also to link existing Orah users to your School

  • As an organization with multiple Orah Schools, you want to be able to allow SSO login for staff & students across your schools

How does it work?

It's really simple to for Schools to access this feature as it does not require any setup processes. Simply invite the Staff user or Student user from the Orah account you want them to also have Access to.

The system will automatically detect that it's an existing Orah account and present them with the option to link the new school as a multi-school login.

Invite Users

The Admin user will invite users to create an Orah account or link their existing Orah account to another Orah school.

What happens after the invite?

The user will have to accept the invite.

  • If the user is invited to a school for the first time, the user will have to follow the regular signup process and enter all their details.

  • If the user already has a school account with their email address, when they click on Accept Invitation, they will see a message that they have been invited to join another school with the same email address.


Considering a user already has an Orah school account, they can sign in with the email address and password and link the new school account as they proceed with the accept invitation steps.


Users will then be logged in successfully and be able to switch between school accounts under the 'My Profile' section below. Screenshots for both staff and student users are shown in the below images.

  1. Staff Users


2. Student Users


If you have any questions after reading through, click the blue chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of this page. This will start a conversation with one of Orah's Team.

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