This article includes:
Orah web app
To mark class attendance on the Orah web app, go to Homeboard > My Schedule and click 'Start Roll Check' for the meeting you want to start taking roll for.
You may have permission to end a pass during the roll. This is in case a student was expected to be absent but showed up to class. In this case, you can end the pass and mark them as present. If the student is not present, you can leave the pass as is.
Your administrator may not give permission to end passes during a roll call. In this case, you won't be able to end a pass but you can still leave a note if needed.
View Scheduled Passes while taking Roll Call
Teachers need to know when students are scheduled to leave class for pre-approved appointments. To support this, Passes expected to begin during a lesson will be visible to teachers while taking roll call.
This feature is available on the Staff Web App, Browser Extension, and iOS App.
Orah Roll Checks browser extension
Staff members can also mark attendance from a browser extension instead of within the Orah web or mobile app. Once the extension is installed, staff can open Orah Roll Checks in a side panel to mark attendance without having to leave their current tab. This means teachers, don't have to switch apps to mark attendance!
There is a link to the installation page on the My Schedule view with in the Orah web app. Or, you can simply search 'Orah Roll Checks' on the Chrome Store or Apple App Store on your laptop.
Tip: Don't forget to pin the extension for easy access.
Orah iOS app
To take class attendance from the staff iOS app, go to Supervise in the main menu Schedule > My Schedule and tap the class you want to mark.
Viewing, editing, and deleting attendance records
You can view a past attendance records by going to the the My Schedule page then selecting the class you want to view.
You can edit or delete the record using the three ellipses dropdown.
Note - that if a new student was added to the SIS after a roll call was complete - it won’t show up on the roll call. The school has the option to delete the roll, which will then show the new student to take a fresh roll call.