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Creating a Tag
Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over 8 months ago

Tags (previously called School Groups) are an effective way to filter which students you see. Make smart tags, house tags, and more!

Creating a tag

Navigate to the cog at the top right to get to the School Management page, then click the Tags section. 

Select the add new Tag button to create a new group.

Start with naming your School tag - the description is optional. You can also choose whether it is available to the whole school, or just when looking at an individual house.

Select from 4 display icons to help with organization. (click the change icon button to see these)

You have the option to create a smart tag, by clicking the toggle next to the option. If you don't select this, you can create the tag manually by selecting each student.

Smart Tags

The smart tag option allows you to create a tag which will automatically find the students matching your criteria. Here is one example:

Create your own smart tag by selecting different filters. Hint: One idea for an easy tag to make are your year-level groups (e.g. Year 11, Grade 10). You can also use student attributes which you create yourself, using the additional information tool.

Manual tag assignments

To create your tag manually, simply leave the Smart tag toggle off and select the students manually.

Read the following article about editing/deleting the tag.

If you have any questions after reading through, click the blue chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of this page. This will start a conversation with one of Orah's Team.

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