2-way Data sync from Blackbaud to Orah {PULL + PUSH}
Orah is capable of syncing your most relevant information from Blackbaud.
Below is the list of broader item list that can be integrated :
Blackbaud π Orah
Students -
Contacts -
House -
Staff -
Roll Records -
Pass Records -
Groups -
Orah allows 3 actions when - Pulling data - Create, Update/Edit, Delete.
You can manually sync any object under settings.
βLearn about Pull & Push with this link.
βLearn about CURD API
Students {PULL}
Orah Feild Name - Blackbaud Field Name
First Name - first_name (option 1) or nick_name (π option 2)
Last Name - last_name
Nick Name - nick_name
Email - email
Gender - gender
House ID - dorm.building_id
Mobile - phones
Phone Number - phones
Room Number - dorm.room.room_number
Student Type - boarding_or_day
Year Level - grade_level
Photos are also syned from Blackbaud
Customized - Choose from below any data you want to map from Blackbaud
βAdvisor Group, Permissions, Clubs, Meal Preference, Blood Group (test), RA Contact, Rosters, Cricket team, Emergency Contact, Medical Information, Body Measurement, Drivers, Room Info, Medical Information, Communication accounts
Student Sync Settings
Schools have two data filters to choose what type of data to sync on Orah :
Data filters
Student Type - either Boarding or Day or both
Grade Levels - 1 to 12 and PG - any or all
Control to Pull student data from Blackbaud to Orah for Create, Update and Delete
Separate option for passed-out or deactivated students
Use the Auto-Sync option to sync every 24 hrs
Use the Manual Sync option on the top right corner to pull data any time
Besides manual sync button, use the 3 dots or ellipsis to remove the Student sync
Contacts {PULL}
Address - addresses
Email - email
First Name - first_name
Last Name - last_name
Mobile Number - phones
Phone Number - phones
Title - prefix
Contacts Sync Settings
Schools have the option to choose what type of relationship to sync on Orah :
βData filters
Filter by relationship type - will list out all the relationships depending on the relation type on Blackbaud. Eg - Uncle/Aunt, GrandParents, Custodian, Guardians, Siblings etc.
Exclude deceased contacts sync to Orah - this option will let you exclude the contacts marked as deceased on Blackbaud π
Mark contact as approved - this option allows schools to mark all contacts under a relationship type as approved in bulk π
Pull Data to Orah
Control to pull contacts data from Blackbaud to Orah for Create, Update and Delete
Pushing contacts data is not available
βAutomatically syncs every 24 hrs
Use the Manual Sync option on Student sync object to pull data any time
Besides manual sync button, use the 3 dots or ellipsis to remove the Contact sync
House/Dorm {PULL}
name - building_name
House Sync Settings
Control to pull house data from Blackbaud to Orah for Create, Update and Delete
Use the Auto-Sync option to sync every 24 hrs
Use the Manual Sync option on the top right corner to pull data any time
Besides manual sync button, use the 3 dots or ellipsis to remove the House sync
Staff {PULL}
Email - email
First Name - first_name
Last Name - last_name
Mobile Number - Phones
Phone Number - Phones
Title - prefix
βStaff Sync Settings
Control to pull staff data from Blackbaud to Orah for Create, Update and Delete
Use the Auto-Sync option to sync every 24 hrs
Use the Manual Sync option on the top right corner to pull data any time
Besides manual sync button, use the 3 dots or ellipsis to remove the Staff sync
Roll Records {PUSH}
Roll Name - meetingβ’group_name
State Type - attendance.attendance_type
Status - attendance.excuse_description
Start Time - meetingStartTime
End Time - meetingEndTime
Excuse Comment - Attendance record created via Orah sync
Excuse Type - ExcuseMapped excuse_type
Marked By - meeting.faculty_name
Note - attendance.comment
Student User ID - studentld
Time Stamp - When the record is created in Orah database
Roll Sync Setting - read more on setting up attendance
Control pulling data - na, Attendance History sync pulls roll records from BB
Control to push data for create, update, and delete roll record in Blackbaud when a roll is taken on Orah
Map all or specific Roll Types
Map Roll Codes
Map Reason codes
Take attendance in Orah - this option allows schools to exclude classes that do not require taking attendnace on Blackbaud π
Instantly push to Blackbaud attendance records, every time a roll is taken on Orah
Use the 3 dots or ellipsis on top right corner to remove the Roll sync
Pass Records {PUSH}
Departure Time - begin_date, start_time
Return Time - end_time
Description - excuse_comment
Pass Type - excuse_type
Student ID - student_user_id
Pass Record Sync Setting - read more on setting up passes here
Mapping of leave/pass on Orah to leave/pass on Blackbaud
Instant push to Blackbaud records, every time a pass starts or ends on Orah
Besides manual sync button, use the 3 dots or ellipsis to remove the Pass sync
Groups {PULL}
Group Name - group name (semester)
Staff - staff
Students - students
Groups Sync Settings - read more to setup Groups here
Control to pull class data from Blackbaud to Orah for Create, Update, Delete
Use the Manual Sync option on the top right corner to pull data any time
Besides manual sync button, use the 3 dots or ellipsis to remove the Groups sync
Use the Auto-Sync option to sync every 24 hrs
Learn how Blackbaud SIS sends its data through its API https://developer.blackbaud.com/skyapi/products/bbem/school
Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page or email us at Support email - support@orah.com, we will help you navigate through it. Cheers :)