How data shows in Veracross
Student records Vs class roll records
Orah's attendance sync can update student class records and daily attendance records in Orah. We cannot update or change the status of the overall class roll however, so when using Orah for attendance, the Attendance Status of the overall class will show as 'Not Taken'.
Tracking and managing class attendance including alerts and reporting on what classes do not have completed rolls, should be done in Orah.
Daily attendance Vs class attendance
To update daily attendance in Veracross, Orah provides some options that can be customized to your school needs:
The first class of the day can be used to also update daily attendance
This option can be deactivated if you do not wish to update daily attendance
If only certain grades or schools update daily attendance, the option can be filtered/limited to specific student groups using Orah's smart tags filter
You can modify these options in the 'Roll Record' settings of your integration in Orah:
Supported class types
The following class types are supported for attendance taking in Orah:
Academic classes
Advisory classes
Athletics practices (games are not supported)
Homeroom classes