Data sync from Veracross to Orah {PULL + PUSH}
Orah is capable of syncing your most relevant information from Veracross.
Below is the list of broader item list that can be integrated :
Veracross π Orah
Students -
Contacts -
House -
Staff -
Roll Records -
Pass Records -
Groups -
Orah allows 3 actions when - Pulling data - Create, Update/Edit, Delete
βLearn about Pull & Push with this link.
βLearn about CURD API
Students {PULL}
Orah Field Name - Veracross Field Name
First Name - preferred_name
Last Name - last_name
Alternative Name - first_name
Brith Day - birthday
Email - email
Gender - gender
Mobile Number - contact_info.mobile_phone
Phone Number - contact_info.home_phone
Year Level - grade_level
Photos - Veracross API does not currently support photo sync but we have registered this as a request with them
Customized - Choose from below any data you want to map from Veracross
Graduation Year, Last Modified Date, Homeroom, Advisor, Username, Middle Name, Campus, Entry Date, Exit Date, School Level, Roles, Homeroom TeacherIntegration Fields - Short Text, Long Text, Number, Date Field
Student Sync Settings
Schools have two data filters to choose what type of data to sync on Orah :
Student Type - either Boarding or Day or both
Grade Levels - Pre-school to 12 - any or all
βπ½Note - The logic we use to define if a Veracross student is a boarder, is based on whether or not they are assigned a room number.
Contacts {PULL}
Orah Field Name - Veracross Field Name
Address - addresses
Email - email_1
First Name - first_name
Last Name - last_name
Mobile Number - contact_info.mobile_phone
Phone Number - contact_info.home_phone
Title - name_prefix
Contacts Sync Settings
Relationship type parent is synced from Veracross to Orah
Let us know if you want to have the option to choose what type of relationship
House {PULL}
name - description
House Sync Settings
Staff {PULL}
Department - department
Title - name_prefix
First Name - first_name
Last Name - last_name
Email - email_1
Job Title - job_title
Mobile Number -
Phone Number -
βStaff Sync Settings
Pull data from Orah
Create - creating a staff in Veracross would create a staff profile in Orah
Update - updating a staff in Veracross would update the staff profile in Orah
Delete - option not available, hence deleting staff in Veracross would not delete in Orah
Date Filters
Staff role
as per the 'roles' string in the Staff list in Veracross
any value set at Veracross eg - Principle, Headmaster, etc
Staff faculty type
as per faculty_type' value in the Staff list in Veracross
any value set at Veracross eg - Admin, Staff, etc
Push data to Veracross
n/a, any changes to staff profile on Orah will not be made on Veracross
Automatically default mobile numbers to the school's country code/format - if checked all the phone numbers will have a similar country code added to the contact mobile number. The code will be similar to the school's address set while creating the school's profile on Orah
Auto Sync - use the Auto-Sync option to sync every 24 hrs
Use the Manual Sync option on the top right corner to pull data any time
Besides manual sync button, use the 3 dots or ellipsis to remove the Student sync
βπ½ Note - For existing schools, applying a filter would not remove the old staff profile, hence would need to delete or suspend all staff and sync again with the required filters.
Roll Records {PULL + PUSH}
Roll Name - class.description
Status - attendance.status
Start Time - attendance.start_time
End Time - attendance.end_time
Marked By -
Start Type - Mapped attendance status
Notes - attendance.notes
Student User ID - attendance.student_id
Roll Sync Setting - read more on setting up attendance
Pass Records {PUSH}
Departure Time - start_time
End Time - end_time
Description - notes
Pass Type - Status
Student ID - student_id
Pass Record Sync Setting - read more on setting up passes here
Groups {PULL}
Group Name - description
Staff - primary_teacher
Students - students
Orah can pull in - Academics | Athletics | Advisories | Homeroom | Programs
Groups Sync Settings - read more to setup Groups here
Learn how Veracross SIS sends its data through its API
Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page or email us at Support email -, we will help you navigate through it. Cheers :)