Your campus can be setup with zones, locations within those zones and sub-locations. A zone is an area on or off campus, that can contain locations as well as sub-locations. For example, a zone can be 'Residential Campus'. A location within that zone is a dorm, 'White Hall', and a sub-location, 'White Hall Lounge'. Enabling a zone, location, or sub-location as interactive allows you to customize how your users will interact with that space.
To begin, navigate to the cog at the top right of your account>manage locations. Customers prior to April 2019 will see Zones on the left of 'Home', 'Signed In' and 'Signed Out'. Customers after April 2019 will see zones titled 'Home', Off Grounds' and 'On Grounds'.
NB: Zones can be renamed.
Click on the '+ New Zone' button on the left side.
Enter the zone's name, type and a description, and if the zone will be interactive or not, then save. In this example, our location, not zone will be interactive.
To create a location within a zone, select the 'New Location' button.
Name the location and choose what type it is. If you wish the location to remain private from view on a kiosk, toggle on the 'Private' option. The address field is optional, but you will need to use the map to select the location's coordinates. Use the 'Find me' button to easily get your location.
Since for this example, students will be using this location to check in, the interactive toggle will be turned on.
When the interactive location toggle is on, you will see a variety of options to select based on how different users will interact with this particular location as well as if in Transit tracking is required when leaving this location.
NB: NFC Checkpoints will not be available until our next release.
You will then have the option to connect passes, checkpoints and NFC checkpoints to this location. Click on the '+' sign next to each to select your available passes/checkpoints.
Click 'Save' to complete the location setup. Select the 'More' button to add a Sub-location to this location, change the location to another zone, or delete the location.
A sub location within a location will have the same options as the location and can be customized the same way.
Feeling a little confused? We understand that there is a lot of changes coming with this release, so please feel free to hit the blue chat bubble in the right-hand corner to start a conversation with us to find out how these settings can be best applied to your account. We're always more than happy to help!