Note: Before reviewing this article, please first read the Passes overview.
Determining a pass workflow in Step 5 of the Pass creation process is the best way for your school to ensure that you receive the proper requests and endorsements to safely approve passes when your students leave campus.
Adjusting a Pass Workflow
1. Leave Request
Choose whether you want students and/or parents to apply for leave. Note: Students and Parents must have connected Orah accounts in order to request a leave.
2. Endorsements and Approval
Choose if there will be an endorsement process for this leave type and if so, who will be involved.
Endorsements can come from any or all of the following: Parent, Staff, and Host. Within the settings you can choose specific staff, or give the requester the option to tag (Ad Hoc) staff. The settings you choose here will make sure the right people are notified.
Endorsements can be ordered so that a specific person/group will need to endorse before the next person/group is notified.
The final step in the request process is the approval. By default any staff with the ability to process leave requests can give this approval.
There is also an option to only allow specific staff to give this approval.
3. Activation Options
In this section you can determine who can activate a Scheduled Pass (that has already gone through the endorsement and approval process) when a student is ready to go on Pass or who can automatically activate a Pass where no approval process is required.
Once a pass is approved and endorsed it is considered "Scheduled". When a student is ready to leave campus, the pass has to be "activated". In this section, you will pick what roles can activate a pass.
If a pass does not require any approvals, it can be "immediately activated". In this is the case for the pass you are creating, choose which role types can immediately activate a pass when creating it.
Finally, choose who can deactivate or end a pass when a student returns to campus at the end of their leave. Common choices are Staff only (for those schools who prefer an eye-to-eye check-in) or allowing Students to end their passes by using an NFC checkpoint to sign back onto campus.