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Introducing Reports and Dashboards

Glean more comprehensive insights from your data with our default dashboards: Location and Attendance Dashboard and Pastoral Dashboard.

Nicholas Hillier avatar
Written by Nicholas Hillier
Updated over 9 months ago

Previously, we had provided a consolidated view of your student data to give you insights on students’ locations and the passes issued to them. We wanted to take it one step further and help you glean more comprehensive insights from your data and use them to help staff as well as students.

With that intent in mind, we bring you Reports and Dashboards.

You can log in to your Orah app, navigate to Unify -> Reports, and view the dashboard. Currently, you can view two default dashboards and they are:

Here are a few things you need to know:

  • A report is made up of a collection of widgets that display your data as charts, graphs, and, more. They will help you visualize and compartmentalize your data thus making it easy for you to derive real meaning from them.

  • By default, the report is visible for all students and the time period is mixed.

  • You can choose a house AND a student group for whom you want the report to be visible. Multiple houses or groups however cannot be selected.

  • You can choose a time period or the specific date range for which the report has to be generated using the Time Frame dropdown option.

☝🏽 Note : The data in Reports and Dashboards takes about 15 mins to show up.

  1. Location and Attendance Dashboard

Knowing where your students are at all times is challenging. Attendance should be taken on time and student’s location and participation need to be tracked in real-time. Only then can you assure student safety and clearly understand where students are disengaged.

The Location and Attendance dashboard gives you an overview of your students’ whereabouts and tracks all the important metrics associated with understanding student attendance and participation.

Here are more details about each of the widgets that make up the report.

Name of the Widget


Roll Check Completed

Within Orah, you can define roll checks and start a new roll to track students’ attendance. Roll checks can include automatic roll checks defined by you and emergency rolls. This widget tells you the total number of roll checks completed by your staff within the chosen time period.

Passes Activated

Passes can be set up for weekend leaves, college visits, meals off-campus, health center appointments, and more. They give students the ability to activate the required pass on their own or request endorsement from both guardians and teachers before getting access to it. Passes may also be reserved for staff use.

This widget gives you the total number of passes activated within the chosen time period.

Absent Students

Click on this widget to see how many students were marked absent for any roll type taken within the chosen time period and who they are.

Late Returns

This widget shows how many students have been marked as late returns on passes.


This widget tells you what are the different locations that were frequented within the chosen time period.


This widget displays the different types of passes issued/activated within the chosen time period.

Roll Records

Over the chosen time period, this widget breaks down the roll records to show you the share of students who were present, absent, and late.

Avg. Absences / Student

Note: Taking the average will give you a general idea of how the data set is performing as a whole.

This KPI widget can help you gauge the participation of students in school. Higher the avg. absences are, there is a chance that there is low engagement and participation from students.

Avg. Check-ins / Student

Avg. Passes / Student

These widgets can help you understand check-in and pass behavior and measure compliance and engagement of students with the process in place.

Avg. Gatings / Student

From the Orah app, schools can use the gating feature to restrict students from going on leave or participating in certain activities as a form of punishment for misbehavior.

This is widget will help you gauge the general behavior trend across the school. Higher the avg. gatings are, there is a chance that there is a negative behavior pattern among students that you need to address.

2. Pastoral Dashboard

Note: Pastoral notes are how staff can communicate and log well-being notes for student(s). You can assign a pastoral type and subtype, name the event, provide a description, and add any additional notes. There is also the option to mark a pastoral note as sensitive and to add it to a watchlist. To know more, you can refer to this article.

When you are serious about prioritizing and improving student well-being, you need to track any observable factors (e.g. students on watchlist) and identify patterns to help you understand which student needs what kind of help. Importantly, you need to track it over time.

The Pastoral Dashboard gives you an overview of your students’ pastoral records and tracks all the important metrics associated with understanding student behavior and well-being.

Here are more details about each of the widgets that make up the report.

Name of the Widget


All Pastoral Records

When pastoral notes are added, it is recorded within students’ profiles. This widget shows the total number of pastoral records added within the chosen time period.

Sensitive Pastoral Records

Sensitive notes restrict who can review the pastoral notes. This widget depicts the total number of pastoral records that are marked as sensitive within the chosen time period.

Students on Watchlist

Click on this widget to see how many students are on the watchlist and who they are.

Pastoral Categories

This widget shows what were the different categories of pastoral notes that were recorded within the chosen time period.

Pastoral Activity

This widget breaks down the pastoral categories and shows the share of each for each day within the chosen time period.

Avg. Records / Student

This widget shows how much pastoral information is being collected about students. Having more data increases the accuracy of insights derived.

Max Records / Student

This widget shows the highest number of pastoral records that are saved for a student.

Min Records / Student

This widget shows the lowest number of pastoral records that are saved for a student.

Avg. Pastoral Points / Student

In order to better quantify the behavior of your student body, you can assign a point value to a Pastoral Category or Subcategory. This widget can help you gauge behavioral trends across your school.

We are continuously striving to enhance your customer experience. This release is our first step towards building comprehensive reports and dashboards features. We will add more functionalities to the module soon.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to write to us.

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