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Collecting return data and permissions for boarding students
Collecting return data and permissions for boarding students
Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a year ago

We understand the importance of collecting return information and permissions to assist with the internal planning and safeguarding of your students during this trying time. This article will outline how you can collect this information with your current feature set.

To collect the return data and permissions from your students or parents, we’d recommend configuring an Event Pass with checklist options, return time, endorsements, and terms and conditions at a minimum. This will allow you to get your parents and students to confirm COVID-19 regulations and permissions, find out when your students plan on returning to the boarding house, receive confirmation from the parent that this return information is correct, and finally provide an overall agreement confirming to the school and government’s COVID-19 conditions. Please see below how this could be configured.

Creating the Pass

Open your Event Pass page, click to add new pass, select the student informed option

You will now need to name your pass, apply a submission time frame, event time (this is only an indicator), opt in and out titles, and apply your automatic reminders to students.

Based on my screenshots below, you will see that I have named my pass Return time and COVID-19 terms. I have also customised the opt in and out titles to reflect a return or not returning option. This makes the form very clear for the students and parents.

first half of the event details page

second half of the event details page

In the next section, Locations, you will need to select either apply the signed out / off campus or home option. Then click next.

On the Assignments page, either leave all students applied to this pass or select the house and/or group that this pass will apply to.

When on the Form Builder page, the location option is applied by default. You will want to click on the form preview section and apply the location you selected earlier (home or signed out/ off campus) from the drop-down menu so it automatically applies to every student's form.

In my screenshot below you will see that I have only turned on my return time, checklist option, and notes. The checklist options are used to communicate any requirements or updates that we need to inform our students and parents of. The notes field is an optional field for them to add additional information.

Please note that you could also ask for the student's return transport if you would like to have this information on hand. Please ensure you do not select the departure time or the transport option as this will not reflect correctly on the form and not give you the desired results.

Moving into the Workflow page, you will need to apply your requestors (students and/ or parents), endorsers, and school approvers. Also add how you would like your students to sign back into the boarding house when they arrive / how they end this pass.

first half of the workflow page
second half of the workflow page

You can now click save to schedule this event. This means your pass will be available for students and/or parents to respond to when the allocated submission time goes live.

Event pass overview page

If you would like to learn more about Event Passes and how to configure these, please click here.

Student / Parents Responding

Once your Event Pass is live, students and/or parents will be able to see this within their Orah App. When they select the event pass, they will then be able to see the opt-in and out options. If they select the returning option, they will be prompted to fill in the form you have built and then submit this for approval.

Home page view from the Boardingware Student App
Opt in and out options.

first half of the form
second half of form
confirmation that their pass request has been submitted

Event responses

From the Web App, you will need to navigate to the Activities (Coordinate) package to review your student responses. Simply click on your return time pass to expand on your student list and responses.

Student response list

If you wish to filter your results to just the students who will be returning, simply click on the green tick to change your view.

Filtering to returning students

If you click on a student's name you will then be able to review their pass from the event view. However, it's important to note that you can still review these pass requests through the Request tab on your web or iOS app and give your approval from there. This means your approval process is still the same as your normal passes but you've just added the layer of having a list view of who has or hasn't responded.

Reviewing a pass request

Once you've clicked approve this pass will automatically be applied to the student's current status. The student's return time will now show on the Home Board and will remain here until the student has arrived on campus and is checked back onto campus.

home board displaying student's return time

ending a student's pass when they arrive back on campus

If you have any questions or trouble with any of the above, please let us know. We're always here and happy to help!

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