Administrators can add staff users in bulk to Orah. This process can configure staff (i.e. assign any tasks on Orah) before staff users log in for the first time.
In this process, there are three statuses :
A quick explanation of the process :
Import Staff Users 
You can import staff via CSV file. To import a staff user
π§ Navigate : Admin Console (left panel) > Staff > Users > Import User (top right corner)
βUse this link to directly go to the Staff User page
Follow the easy steps below to import staff users in bulk as required :
Step 1 : A pop-up named 'Import User via CSV' will appear
Step 2 :
| |
Step 3 :
| |
Step 4 : | |
Step 5 :
Once the users are imported, they will be reflected on the Admin > Staff > Users page under the Imported tab with the number of all imported users alongside or Users in total tab having Account Status >. Users of the Imported status cannot be edited, they can only be deleted or further configured (as shown in the next section below).
Note - Upload will even fail if any of the email IDs in the uploaded CSV already have associated staff profiles. These need to be removed and the file re-uploaded.
Configure Staff Users 
Once you have imported the user as shown above, they can be configured in bulk or as a single user. Configuring a staff user creates a user profile that can be assigned tasks in Orah without the need for staff to login first.
To configure, go to the imported tab on the admin staff users page.
Select the users you want to configure, but clicking on the
Step 1 : | |
Step 2 :
| New Import > Configure Process
Step 3 : |
Once the users are configured, they will be reflected on the Admin > Staff > Users page under the Configured tab with the number of all configured users alongside or Users in total tab having Account Status > .
Users with configured status can be (using the 3 dots or bulk more actions) :
Resent activation/invite email
Clear additional permissions (also in bulk)
Change login method (also in bulk soon)
Deleted (also in bulk)
Assign Task to Configured User
The main benefit of a configured user is that they can be assigned any task on Orah, even before they accept the invite. Tasks such as workflows, mood checks comments/concerns, support staff, rollcall/attendance, passes/leave approvals, pastoral/conduct comments, etc
Many tasks and processes within Orah are can generate email notifications. Any configured staff will start receiving email notifications as soon as they are configured.
This is beneficial to get the admin/staff users up to speed with the events happening at the school. And help schools to onboard staff users at a faster pace.
Active Staff Users 
When the configured user accepts the invite received from the step above, they become an Active user. This status is also updated on the Staff Admin User Page.
The email received will be as shown below :
Users accepting the invite will be now asked for only 3 parameters as name is already imported via CSV :
-What best describes your role
-Read and Accept Terms & Conditions
Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page or email us at Support email -, we will help you navigate through it. Cheers !