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My Conversations / Chat

Chat with any student securely on Orah

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a week ago

What is My Conversations ?

My Conversations is a way by which a staff user can chat with the students of their school. They can chat directly 1-on-1 and also with multiple students in groups. This secure communication tool which can be Monitored built just for schools will give more control over entire school communications, unlike third-party apps like WhatsApp, FB's Messenger, Instagram and others.
🧭 Navigate : From Homeboard > My Conversation (or click here)

☝🏽Note: Conversations (chat) is a new feature. Please contact your Orah Point of Contact (POC) to enable it.

Type of Chats/Conversations

My Conversation allows you to chat 1-on-1 directly with a student or with multiple students in a group. You can even monitor all conversations. Once you have permission to access My Conversations, you can see a new product called Communications (Connect) on the left-hand menu.
Read more about the different types of Communication tools available :

Direct Conversations

Group Conversations

Staff Access to Conversation

Once you have added Conversations (Connect) product to your school account, head to Admin Console to provide access to yourself and your colleagues

🧭 Navigate : From left panel Admin Console > Admin - Staff > Additional Permission
​ Use this link to directly go to the staff user setting

​Select the staff user you want to provide access to, under the additional permission tab.

Search for Communication (Connect) beneath product access. There are 3 parts to communications (connects) access settings as shown below :

Assigned Students

Staff users can be assigned students in 3 different ways :

  • All Students - if this option is selected, a staff user will have access to chat with all the students

  • Specific Students - if this option is selected, staff users will have access to students depending on

    • House - access students of their own houses

    • SIS Groups - access students from only selected SIS groups

    • Tags - access students from only selected Tags

  • None - if this option is selected, staff users will not be able to chat with any students


Conversations (view and send direct messages)

  • Check the 'View and send direct messages' option to allow staff to view and send chats/messages

  • In the absence of this permission, a staff user will not be able to view the
    ​'My Conversation' on Orah Homeboard

☝🏽 Note - Platform-level access will not affect Broadcast access

To add bulk permission using user roles follow this article.
Read more about additional permission here.

Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page or email us at Support email -, we will help you navigate through it. Cheers :)


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