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Direct Chat/Conversations

Chat with students 1-on-1 on Orah

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a week ago


Conversations on Orah are of two types Direct and Group Chat. This article talks about Direct Conversation a tool for staff users to chat with one student directly.

Direct chats offer a one-on-one communication channel that is highly personalized. Ideal for discussing detailed or sensitive matters and allows for tailored conversations specific to the individual's needs. This secure communication tool built just for schools will give more control over entire school communications, unlike third-party apps like WhatsApp, FB's Messenger, Instagram, and others.

Below is a snapshot of what Direct chat looks like.

☝🏽 Note : A staff user will require permission to access Direct Conversations. Read more on how to gain access to group conversations.

Initiating a Direct Conversation

  • Click on the + New Conversation button at the bottom left

  • A window will open where you can :

    • See all assigned students

    • Input a student’s name to search within the list

    • Choose a student from the list

    • If this list is empty, talk to your admin to provide student access as stated above

    • Click Start Conversation to begin chatting

  • Inactive students will be marked with a "No Account" tag
    (you can still send messages that will be received when the student logins 1st time)

  • Inactive students’ tags are removed once they become active

  • Searching an existing name redirects to the ongoing conversation

Managing Conversations

Direct Conversation List

  • All the initiated conversations would appear under the Direct Conversations list

  • Any new message sent or received will appear on top of the list

  • Any unread messages will be highlighted in bold and circled with count in red

  • The list is scrollable in case there are numerous conversations

  • Revoking access of the student removes the student and conversation from the list

Inactive Students

  • Inactive students’ tags are removed once they become active

  • Inactive students will be distinguished by grey color and a 'No Account' tag

  • You can still send messages that will be received when the student logins 1st time

  • Inactive students’ tags are removed once they become active

Message Window Panel

  • Selected students’ conversations appear in the right panel

  • Messages are grouped by date like Whatsapp, Slack

  • A time tag will be displayed just above the message

  • Staff messages are on the right in purple; student messages are on the left in white

  • Messages sent and received are updated in real-time

  • In case of any error or network issues, the message which was not sent will display - 'Message not sent. Send again' - clicking on which will retry sending the message

    Compose and Send :

  • Type your message at the bottom and click on the paper plane icon to send it

  • Pressing enter moves the cursor to the next line
    (🗣️ let us know your feedback if you want to send a message by pressing enter)

  • You will not be able to send a blank message

  • No rich text formatting is available as of now

Student User Guide

Accessing Conversations

  • A New Icon - Communications icon is now available on the home page

  • A student cannot initiate the conversation, they can only reply to any message received from the staff

  • Clicking the icon opens the conversation list

  • Any new message will also be listed as a notification

Conversation List

  • A graphic is displayed if there are no conversations yet

  • Each conversation shows a staff profile photo, name, timestamp, and a snippet of the last message

  • Unread messages are bold with a red count

  • Conversations are sorted by the most recent

  • The list updates instantly with new messages

  • Clicking on a conversation tab opens the message panel

Viewing and Sending Messages

  • The layout is similar to the staff view

  • Staff names and date stamps are displayed

  • A plane icon sends the message

  • Messages cannot be sent blank

  • Conversations are updated in real-time

Receiving Notifications

  • Notifications for new messages appear under the Notifications tab

  • Each notification includes the staff name, timestamp, and a snippet of the last message

  • Push notifications are sent to iOS/Android notification centers

  • Clicking on the notification opens the conversation directly.

Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page or email us at Support email -, we will help you navigate through it. Cheers :)

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