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Customizing your pass workflow

Customise your leave type to enable requests from students and parents, approvals from specific staff or ad hoc staff

Nicholas Hillier avatar
Written by Nicholas Hillier
Updated over a week ago

Note: Before viewing this page, make sure you understand the basics of creating a leave type.

1. Leave Request

Choose whether you want students and/or parents to apply for leave.

Note: Students and Parents must be connected to Boardingware to request leave.

2. Endorsements and Approval.

Choose if there will be an endorsement process for this leave type and if so, who will be involved. 

Endorsements can come from any: Parent, Staff, and Host. Within the settings you can choose specific staff, or give the requester the option to tag (Ad Hoc) staff. The settings you choose here will make sure the right people are notified.

Endorsements can be ordered so that a specific person/group will need to endorse before the next person/group is notified.

The final step in the request process is the approval. By default any staff with the ability to process leave requests can give this approval.

There is also an option to only allow specific staff to give this approval. 

3. Activation Settings

Leave can be scheduled for the student. By default Staff can do this. If you would like students and parents to be able to schedule leave from their own login, you can add this option under 'Who can create an upcoming leave'.

The 'Who can activate upcoming leave' applies to those leaves that have been requested, and approved. When the 'Kiosk' option is ticked on, then the student can simply sign themselves out at an iPad Kiosk (i.e. Boardingware Checkpoint) where their leave has been approved.

Who can sign-out and in gives you the option of adding Kiosk, Parent and/or Student as options for those leave types that don't require a full leave request process.

Important Note: Under 'Who can sign out' if you add 'Kiosk' then students will be able to sign out without going through the request process. If you only want the student to access pre-approved leave, then you need to add the option under 'Who can activate an upcoming leave'

If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to get in touch. Our friendly team is always ready to answer your questions! 

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