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Giving you the ability to manage Checkpoints remotely

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a year ago

Checkpoints and Checkpoint IDs allow you to monitor key information and alert yourself to offline events. The information below maps out how you can get the most out of remote Checkpoint management.

Checkpoint Overview

1 - Live Activity - See here for an overview of which of your checkpoints are online. Click on the online or offline number to narrow the list down.

2 - Error Log - This displays all log-outs and offline events. You can click on the box on the right to look at different date ranges, or below on the 'graph' and 'list view' options to toggle how the information is displayed.

3 - Email notifications - Simply toggle this on if you would like to receive email alerts whenever an offline event occurs.

4 - Map - To give you a visual understanding of where each checkpoint ID is set up. Click on the red marker on the map to bring up more information.


Each iPad in the school will require an ID, these are unique and attach to Checkpoint Types which determine the settings/permissions.

1 - Checkpoint Type - This is an example of a type. The arrow points to the button to deactivate or delete. (Scroll down to see how these are created)

To set up a new type, click New Checkpoint Type in the top right.
2 - Checkpoint settings - This is a summary of the settings that the type is using.
3 - Checkpoint IDs - Each individual iPad needs a Checkpoint ID. Click 'New Checkpoint ID' to create some IDs for your Checkpoint Type. (Scroll to the next section for details.

Tip: On the 'Basic' type in the image above, the IDs: Bathroom, and Library both have red dots. This signifies there is an iPad using each of those ID's and they are both currently offline.

Connecting a Checkpoint ID to a device

  1. Sign in to the Checkpoint with an Admin account

  2. Open the Checkpoint settings page on an iPad, and then select Account

  3. Select the Checkpoint ID you would like to assign to the account.

The device should now update and apply the settings you have configured in the backend for this Checkpoint ID/ type. You will now see from the web application that the device is connected and online.

If you have any questions after reading through, click the blue chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of this page. This will start a conversation with one of Orah's Team.

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