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Nicholas Hillier avatar
Written by Nicholas Hillier
Updated over a week ago


Workflows have been developed so your team can streamline internal processes with this extremely customizable feature. Workflows allow you to apply three types of steps; Task, Approval, and Alert so you and your team are completely in sync about task assignments and approvals.

This feature is currently only available on the web application.

Starting a Workflow

To access Workflows simply open your Unify package and click Workflows.

At the top right of your Workflows page, select the start workflow button. Select the category, then the workflow template you wish to complete.

Once you've selected your Workflow type, input your reference label *optional*, assign staff *if applicable to your workflow*, and then press start.

Once the workflow is started, those involved in the first step will be notified and the process will begin. On the right side, staff can make comments. Once the step is completed, click save to move to the next step.

At the bottom right you can see a timestamped log of the workflow.

You will continue to follow the steps outlined in the workflow until the end.

If you leave the workflow, you will see a summary of steps and progress and can click back in at any time.

Once the workflow has been completed, it will move to the Archive section.

Removing a Workflow

If you need to remove a workflow from your account, simply open the workflow and click to either delete the record completely from your account or archive the workflow to preserve the information


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