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Location and Attendance Report within Student’s Profile

Under student profiles, we are introducing a new report—Location and Attendance Report

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over 3 years ago

We are continuously striving to enhance your customer experience. Previously, we launched two live dashboards you can view under Orah’s Unify. Now, we are continuing to add more functionalities for you to leverage.

Location and Attendance Report within Student’s Profile

The Homeboard consists of all the student profiles, enriched with data from different data points. When you hover over any of the student profiles and click on the view profile from the dropdown that appears, the individual student’s profile details will be visible. Under reports, we are introducing a new report: Location and Attendance Report.

Here are a few things you need to know:

  • Similar to your dashboards, a report is made up of a collection of widgets that display your data as charts, graphs, and, more, making it easy for you to derive meaningful insights about each and every student under your care.

  • By default, the time period is mixed. You can choose a time period for which the report has to be generated using the Time Frame dropdown option at the top.

  • The permissions for viewing student profiles set when staff is invited to the app will define the students whose profile reports they are able to view.

Here are more details about each of the widgets that make up the report.

Name of the Widget



This widget shows the days the student is marked as absent in roll checks conducted. It also shows if and when the student is left unmarked. Using this widget, you can track trends in a student’s attendance over time.

Late Returns

This widget shows if and when the student has been marked as late returns on passes.


This widget tells you what are the different locations that were frequented by the student within the chosen time period.


Passes can be set up for weekend leaves, college visits, meals off-campus, health center appointments, and more. They give students the ability to activate the required pass on their own or request endorsement from both guardians and teachers before getting access to it.

This widget displays the different types of pass records for the student within the chosen time period.

Pass Activity

This widget breaks down the pass records within the chosen time period and shows what percentage of a particular pass is being used by the student.

For e.g. Tim has 1 event pass and 4 gym pass records in a defined timeframe. So stacked column chart shows 20% of the column as the event pass, and 80% as the gym pass.

Unexplained Absences

This widget displays the number of unexplained absences informed by Roll Checks that have occurred within the chosen time period.

We will continue to add exciting features to the module. So please be on the lookout for updates from our end. If you have any feedback you would like to share with us, please write to us at

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