The Attendance Insights Page is designed to provide a comprehensive view of a student's attendance metrics and trends across all courses. Here's a guide to understanding the features of the page:
🧭 Navigation > Student Profile > Attendance Insights
Attendance Metrics
Displays 4 key attendance rates:
Attendance Rate: Percentage of classes attended.
Tardiness Rate: Percentage of late arrivals
Excused Absent Rate: Percentage of absences with valid excuses.
Unexcused Absent Rate: Percentage of absences without valid excuses.
These visual metrics allow for at-a-glance tracking of overall attendance health.
Attendance by Course
Displays a detailed breakdown of attendance for each enrolled course:
Course Name.
Attendance Rate: Percentage of attended classes per course.
Present, Late, Excused Absent, Unexcused Absent counts.
Drilling Down into Data - click on any course to view detailed attendance history, including specific dates and reasons for absences or tardiness.
Sorting by any column - table can be sorted by high to low and vice-versa for all the columns
Aggregate counts for all records are displayed at the top of the table.
This table makes it easy to identify courses where attendance patterns deviate.
Filter via Time Range
Use the dropdown menu to select the timeframe for attendance analysis
Similar to the Main Attendance Dashboard, 5 preset time ranges are available
Today, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 12 weeks, Last 12 months, Custom Date
Best Practices for Using the Student's Attendance Insights Page
Monitor Attendance Trends - Regularly review metrics to identify patterns early, such as increasing tardiness or absences in specific courses.
Collaborate with Educators - Share insights with teachers or counselors for a collaborative approach to addressing attendance challenges.
Leverage Analytics for Intervention - Use data to initiate interventions for students with declining attendance rates, ensuring early support and guidance.
Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, email us at or just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of your Orah page, we will help you navigate through it. Stay ahead of all the attendance trends in your school.