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Homeboard Sorting

Sort students by check in time, bed/room number, ID etc

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a week ago

You can sort students on Orah homeboard by the fields mentioned below.
You can sort by ascending or descending order, by selecting any one of the fields you want to sort by. The sorting option is hidden from plain sight, hence we are trying to make it more visible for all staff to use more frequently. Find an example of the recent addition to the sorting list the Check-in-Time.

โ€‹Sorting and Dispayed Fields

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Available Fields

  • Student Reference

  • Year Level

  • Alternative Name

  • Student Type

  • Room Number

  • Bed Number

  • House Name

  • Email

  • Mobile Number

  • Check-in Time

Watch how to sort students by Check-in Time !

Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page or email us at Support email -, we will help you navigate through it. Cheers :)

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