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Attendance Records

Group Roll Records + Individual Student Roll Records

Kurt Meyer avatar
Written by Kurt Meyer
Updated over a week ago

The Supervise Overview page gives you a real-time understanding of where students are. It helps you answer the key question of "Where are my students?" by displaying which passes, locations, and events students are currently checked into.

The Supervise Overview page can be accessed by going to Attendance > Overview in the left hand menu.


There are three charts to understand where students are:

  • Current Check-In Locations displays which locations students are currently checked into.

  • Active Passes/Excuses displays which active passes students are currently assigned to.

  • Active Events displays which active events students are currently participating in.


The map view displays where students are based on their checked-in location. Pins represent students who are checked-into specific locations. Clusters display the total number of students within multiple pins.

Pins: represent a single location.

Clusters: represent multiple locations.

Locations are not based on GPS tracking of the student devicse but on the geo-point associated with the location within Orah. Geo-points can be assigned to locations by going to Admin Console > Location Manager.

Student Location Table

The location table displays where students are in a per student view. You can search this table for specific students to see where they are currently checked into and how long they have been checked into that location. You can also view any active passes/absences associated with that student.

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