β Go back to Attendance General Settings
Orah can send alerts when a student is missing a class in real-time. While taking roll call on Orah if a student is marked absent, it can send an alert to staff, students themselves, or their parents. Alerts can be adjusted to the school's threshold limit eg. if a student misses class for 3 days in a row send an alert to their parent.
This will help schools to reduce absenteeism as this feature will send concerning alerts in real-time.
π§ Navigation : Location > Attendance > Attendance Settings > Alerts Settings
Access to Attendance Alerts
A staff would need access to General settings
Ask your admin to assign Attenndance/General Settings access under additional permission to the individual staff (or in bulk using Roles)
π§ Navigation : Admin Console > Staff > Select a staff or user role > Additional Permisison > under Product Access section > Supervise > Attendance > General Settings
Both View Insights and General Settings - a staff can do both, view the Insights and also access to settings page
Only General Settings - allows staff to only have access to Insights settings without viewing it
Setting up Attendance Alerts
Once you have the required access as mentioned above
π§ Navigate to Attendance > Attendance Insights > Dashboard Settings > Alerts
8th select the default concern status
Example of an alert would be (in red is editable)
When any student
are Unexcused
for any course/day
3 times in total
within 1 month
send an alert to Student or Contacts or Staff
at scheduled time
and create an attendance concern as
concern opened
1st select students' cohort
any student - this option would alert if any student falls in the created criteria
House - search and select for one or multiple house
Tag - search and select for one or multiple tags
Group - search and select for one or multiple Groups/Meetings
2nd select roll codes
For SIS source
Select attendance categories - shows the attendance category and reasons created on SIS (read more)
For Orah Source - 2 options available for when data source is Orah :
3rd select course
any course - this option would alert for any classes
the same course - search and select for one or multiple classes
4th select frequency
add the number of times the roll record you want to trigger
5th select time frame
rolling period :
set number of days
set number of weeks
set number of months
set a custom fixed period like school's term
βπ½ Note - we donβt send any retroactive alerts. The alerts will be created and sent only from the day the alert criteria are set/created.
6th select user
Students via
Contacts of students via
Staff via
Once all the parameters are added, hit save to create the alert
Update (Nov'24)- earlier only 1 recipients were allowed to be selected while creating the alerts now we can select all the 3 receipts at once
7th select time to send
triggers immediately when the criteria are met
Attendance taken on SIS will trigger once when the hourly sync runs
Attendance taken from Orah will trigger immediately
At a scheduled time
triggers at a specified time of the day
Attendance taken on SIS will trigger at scheduled time considering last sync
Attendance taken from Orah will trigger on the scheduled time
8th select concern status π
We have recently introduced a concern page to track and action on the alerts been trigger. So, every alert created by this setting can be tracked and further actioned upon. By default, an alert/concern is opened opened, but school can change depending on the different types of alerts set.
Read more about the attendance concern page on a separate support article :
Editing or Deleting Alerts
All the alerts created will be listed in the same path
Alerts can be edited/deleted to match the needs of the school
To edit an alert - you can directly click on the alert or hover to use the pen icon
To delete an alert - hover over the alert you want to delete and use the delete icon on right
You can also delete an alert using the options inside the alert itself
Activating / Deactivating Alert
An alert can be deactivated if not used by the school anymore
To deactivate an alert - hover over the alert you want to deactivate and use the 3 dot option on the right side
You can also deactivate an alert using the options inside the alert itself
If you wish to re-activate, use the same path
βπ½ Note - Switching the attendance source will deactivate all the alerts.
View alert history
We have added a new page where all alerts are stored and can be actioned on the Attendance Concern page - https://success.orah.com/en/articles/10600232-attendance-concern-alerts-page
Also visible from bell icon on insights page and alert setting page
All the alerts triggered will be listed out in the view history alert section
Can be sorted by sent time
4 Roll code types
A trigger can also be searched
Receiving Alert Email
Alert is sent as soon as the trigger is matched with the rule
Alert will be only sent once (for 1st time) the criteria are met, not every time a criteria matches
Deleting the alert from the settings would not send any alert email
Email, SMS or Push are sent on real time basis
Only those matching the filters will be receiving the alert
Alert cannot be sent together to Student, Contacts and Staff
Alert email will be received from no-reply@orah.com
Example of Email received by staff for an attendance trigger :
Example of Email received by Parent/Contacts for an attendance trigger :
Note - the time mentioned in the parent email above - Marked by Isabelle Lucas at 1:00pm, Mon, 16 Sep, 2024
- is the class scheduled time and not the actual roll marking time by the staff.
βHope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, email us at support@orah.com or just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page, we will help you navigate through it. Now you can be proactive with absence management π