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Creating a post and using post templates
Kurt Meyer avatar
Written by Kurt Meyer
Updated over a week ago

Posts are an effective way to communicate important information with your team. This can be helpful when relaying key updates such as end of shift reports or notices that staff need to be aware of.

This article covers:

Setting up access controls to posts

Orah Administrators can control how staff users are able to interact with posts on the Activity Feed. These permissions can be set within a user's Addition Permissions or within a User Role.

Permissions include the ability to create posts, view, edit, and delete posts created by other staff members, as well as managing post templates. Note that staff are able to view, edit, and delete any post that they have created themselves.

Access to posts are also controlled by the Houses staff have access to. This means that staff will only be able to view and create posts within the Houses they are assigned to.

Creating a new post

To create a new post, simply click 'New Post' in the top right corner within the Activity Feed page and write up the information you will like to share with the team.

Content within a post can be formatted using the rich text editor.

Posts can be divided into sections to help better categorise information.

Pastoral notes can also be attached to sections within a post. This can be useful when referencing incidents that are relevant to the post such as behavioural or medical issues. You can attach existing pastoral notes or create a new pastoral note from within the post.

Once you are happy with the content of the post you can select which House you want to share the post with or if you want to share it with All School. Finally, you can either schedule the post for a future date or hit 'Post Now' to share the post immediately.

Using post templates

Staff members with permission to manage templates can save any post as a template to be used by other staff members. Templates help ensure updates are being shared in a standardised format across the team and saves time setting up a new post.

Viewing and editing a post

Posts can be opened from the Activity Feed. You can also view any attached pastoral notes and leave comments to a post.

Posts can be edited by clicking the pencil icon in the upper right corner. Only the staff member who created the post or staff with edit permissions will be able to see this option.

Subscribing to a daily digest email

Staff members can subscribe to a daily digest email from the Activity Feed. This will send an automatic email that summarises posts each day. This email is sent at 12 am (based on the timezone of your school) and will include a summary of all posts for the previous day. Posts are ordered by houses to keep all related posts grouped together.

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