This roll type is used anytime an attendance check is needed. This could be in class, school assembly, an evening check-in at bedtime, or when out on an excursion.
Daily rolls give staff the ability to filter to all students/school, a specific house/dorm, or group of students. Students are typically marked as present, late or absent but these states can be customized and added to by your account administrator.
Staff can either work on this roll alone, or, can share the roll with a colleague (making it a live roll) so multiple staff members can work together to complete the attendance check.
Completing a Daily Roll Call
Web App
On your Homeboard under the Attendance (Supervise) package, click the Roll Check button, then select the start new roll button, and then select the type of roll check you wish to complete.
You will then be navigated into the roll settings page where you can adjust your filters, roll options, and invite staff members to join this roll check.
Roll options give you the ability to automatically sign-in students from an existing pass type as you mark them present, and show previous roll calls to see if they were in attendance for the last few roll checks, and the ability to open this roll type to other staff members.
Update the settings page to suit your needs for the roll check and then click start.
Your roll check will now populate with the settings you applied and you will be able to update the student's state by clicking the circle within their student profile card. Clicking the circle again will filter through the different roll states.
Clicking the three dots next to the circle will provide the ability to add a note or use a list option to change the student's state
You can also filter between the different roll states throughout the roll call. The unmarked state is a great filter to use if you are simply looking for a list of students who haven't been marked yet and you only wish to mark them present.
Select Complete when you are finished with the roll to save it, Discard the roll remove it completely with no record, and Save & Exit to complete the roll later.
Please note during a Roll Check you can also:
Sign students in or out.
Add Pastoral records.
Share the Roll with other staff members
iOS App
Press the Roll button located at the top right of the Home page
Select Start New Roll and choose your roll type.
Apply your roll settings and then press start
Mark students present by tapping on the open circle within their profile bar. Tapping the circle again will filter through the different roll states.
The small triple-dot icon to the right will open up the ability to add notes and the small icons to the left are showing the past rolls (if that option was turned on).
Once you have finished the roll tap 'Save' in the top right-hand corner.
Reviewing Roll Calls
Once you have completed a roll check, this will become available to review in your Activity Feed and individual records will be stored within each student profile.
Student profile example
Activity Feed example
Let us know if you have any questions by clicking the blue chat bubble on the right-hand side.