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Pastoral Records Overview

Pastoral Records Overview page provides the school with a centralised view of all students' pastoral records in one place.

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a year ago

Pastoral Records Overview page provides the school with a centralised view of students' pastoral records in one place. Use this link to directly go to the overview.

Learn how to use overview page :

(click on pointers above to jump to that specific section)

☝🏽 Note - not all students displayed on homeboard would be found on the pastoral overview page because it depends on additional pastoral access permission. This means that if a user only has permission to view/create notes for 20 students out of 100, they will only see the names of those 20 students. Also remember an admin can further distinguish access of a staff member between viewing and creating notes as shown below, read more about access here.

1. See all pastoral records in one place

Staff/Admin with access to view students' pastoral notes will be able to see the overview page inside the Student Care (Nurture) tab called β€˜Pastoral’.
To view all records simply Navigate to Homeboard > Student Care (Nurture) > Pastoral > Pastoral Records Overview (as shown in image below)
Note - depending on the school, word 'pastoral' might be different as to conduct/behavioural/wellbeing. Read about it here (admin).

Following columns are displayed in the overview :

click on the arrow

- Pastoral Record - which will display the pastoral category / sub-category.
- Student (S) - the name of the student
- Created Time (S) - unit of time created
​(m-minute | h-hour | d-day | M-month | Y-year)

- Staff - name of the staff who has created the note
- Description - description provided while creating the note

- Action - if any action was instructed
- Note - if any related note was added
- Noted Time - display of full date/time on which the note was created by staff
- Points - the point value assigned to the note

- Files - the files if attached to the note
- Watchlist - displayed 'Yes' if toggled on

- Sensitive - displayed 'Yes' if toggled on

On the bottom right corner, Rows per page means the number of rows or entries which can be viewed in one page and can be toggled to 25, 50 and 100 entry per page.

There are multiple permissions (along with access to sensitive pastoral notes) that are checked to ensure that the system is only displaying students pastoral notes that the staff/admin user has access to.
Note - If a user don't have the view pastoral note permission for a specific set of students, those students will not be displayed in the table.

2. Open, Edit and Share any pastoral entry

Staff/Admin can open particular pastoral record/entry of a student by clicking anyway on the ribbon highlighted below. The usual pastoral record modal will open which can be shared, edited or deleted as per staff/admin access permission, read more about it here.

3. Search for a student to get all related records

Use the search bar on the top right corner to search a student name and get all the notes entered against the individual profile.

4. Sort by note creation time, student first & last name

Click on the 'Created Time' button under the Pastoral records on top left corner of the overview to drop down the 3 options for sorting. Use the arrow sign beside the 'Created Time' tab to sort in ascending or descending order.

The list of pastoral entries can be sorted in 3 ways :
- Creation Time - unit of time created - m-minute | h-hour | d-day | M-month | Y-year

- First Name - Student first name

- Last Name - Student last name
By default entries are sorted by created time in descending order as displayed in the image below

5. Create a pastoral note directly

Staff/Admin with access to create students' pastoral notes will be able to see the '+ Add Pastoral Note' button while on the overview page beside the search bar on top right corner.

This will open the new pastoral window which will allow staff to enter the pastoral note by searching and selecting individual / multiple students. Once student/s for whom the pastoral record is to be created is selected, staff can complete the standard process of filling out the required fields within the new pastoral modal.

6. Go to pastoral categories directly

If Staff/Admin also has access to edit pastoral categories they will be able to see and navigate to the 'βš™οΈ Pastoral Setting' by selecting the button at the top right corner of the overview page. And the usual pastoral categories settings page will open.


Read more about Pastoral Notes here -
Hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions, just click the blue chat icon at the bottom right corner of this page, we will help you navigate through it. Cheers !

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