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Mood Check Comment Settings

Student Care (Nurture) setting allows different options available for controlling who can comment/receive notification on mood check records

Pratyush Chowdhary avatar
Written by Pratyush Chowdhary
Updated over a week ago

Mood Check Comment Settings

This section allows different options available for controlling who can comment on mood check records and who receives notifications when a comment is added. By implementing these settings, school can for follow up on a mood check, enhance communication between students and staff, fostering a positive and supportive environment.

Comment setting has two parts to it who can comment + who to notify :

    1. Student who submitted that mood check record

    2. Staff who have access to the mood check record

    1. Student who submitted the mood check record - Email + Push

    2. Staff who have access to the mood check record - Email + Push

(click on pointers above to jump to that specific section)

  1. Who can comment on a mood check record ?

    - Options to enable comments for student/staff on particular student individual mood check record has two parts to it :

    1. Student who submitted that mood check record
      - Enabling this option allows the student who has submitted the mood check to leave comments on their own entries. Enabling them to have further communication support with school.

    2. Staff who have access to the mood check record - Enabling this option will provide staff (only with access to the mood check + the student) to comment and reach out to the individual student via their particular mood check record. Staff could follow-up with the student on an instant basis.

      To enable comments, simply check the tick box for the required options stated above, follow the below screen for setup.

      🧭 Navigate : Student Care (Nurture) > Mood Checks > Mood Check Settings > Additional Settings > Under 'Comment Settings' > Find 'Who can comment on a mood check record?'

  1. Who to notify when a comment is added? (sub-part)

    - This option provides school to notify the student and the staff for the comments made on mood check via Email and Push. Similar to 1st part of comment setting i.e. who can comment on the mood check record, this settings also has two parts to it :

    1. Student who submitted the mood check record - Enabling this option allows the student who has submitted the mood check to get notified for comments made by staff on the individual students particular mood check records. This ensures that students are aware of any feedback or support provided by staff members in real time.

      Their are two options by way of which a student can be notified - Email + Push

      1. Email: Checking this option will send an email to the student's registered email address, when a comment is added to a student's mood check record.

      2. Push Notification: For a more immediate notification, enable this option for students to receive push notifications on their mobile devices through Orah app, when a comment is added to a student's mood check record.

    2. Staff who have access to the mood check record - Similar to students, enabling this option allows the staff who has submitted the mood check to get notified for comments made by student on their own mood check records. This ensures that staff are kept informed of any developments in students' well-being and can respond promptly.

      Similarly their are two options for which a staff can be notified - Email & Push

      1. Email: Enabling this option will send an email to the staff's registered email address, when a comment is added to a student's mood check record by another staff or a student.

      2. Push : For a more immediate notification, enabling this option for staff to receive push notifications on their mobile devices through Orah app, when a comment is added to a student's mood check record by another staff or a student.

      To enable comments, simply check the tick box for the required options stated above, follow the below screen for setup.

      🧭 Navigate : Student Care (Nurture) > Mood Checks > Mood Check Settings > Additional Settings > Under 'Comment Settings' > Find 'Who to notify when a comment is added?'
      (☝🏽 note notification setting will only be enabled if the settings for comment above is enabled)

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